Favorite all-in-one remote control?

I'd like some opinions on the best all-in-one, learning remote controls out there. I don't even have all that many components, but I am sick of swimming in remote controls!! My gear is in a dedicated closet, so rf would be a plus (although I do have a set of powermids, so its not a deal-breaker). I've got 4 components to control (including a tv). Something of a reasonable size would be nice too, I'd like to avoid anything resembling a video game. Simplicity is a big plus, the less gadgety the better.
Thanks for your opinions, Jb3
I've been using a Marantz RC2000mkII since '98 and really like it a lot. I've never used another brand so I'm unable to make a comparison with the other nice ones out there.
ok which universal remote has commands available for wadia specifically the 27/270 remote
HP IPaq. As crazy as it may sound i picked up a used iPaq on ebay, installed a $15 application and ran a pronto ccf file and it works great. I have not had any problems with the range of the IR.
The software is programmable, user friendly and the interface is maliable. There are literally hundreds of free CCF files free for download containing IR codes for every imaginable device. The iPaq is cheaper than a pronto, and is expandable. With built in WiFi it can also control a number of other web enabled devices if you have a home network.
It may not be for the techinically shy but it pays out in dividends in the end
Hey Neil; wow. Here comes the shot-gun marriage with computers and lots of us Audiophiles. Great post. Just wish I could understand it.
Sorry about the incomprehensible thread above in regards to the iPaq. If anyone wants specifics, i.e. cost, software and / or general how to, I will gladly give it. Drop me an email or post a thread