Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.


Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

It is hard to determine what or if there are any 'sonic' improvements. To my understanding there are`nt any 'internal' changes to the tube. Time will tell.
Thanks Metralla,
Very interesting to read this review and then read Srajan Ebaen`s review of the same 300b tube comparision in the June 2010 6 Moons. Different ears ,systems and various amps lead to different conclusions.
Only you know your current financial status relative to your previous standards (thus the need to sell your current speakers). This economy has affected many in a variety of ways, obviously some more than others. You certainly don`t need to apologize to Tvad or anyone else.
6 moons did a very detailed review of the Full Music SE and the Shuguang Treasure series with many comparisons to other 300b tubes. To my knowledge the KR tubes have had some reliability issues.
You are apparently confusing the Shuguang lower cost/quaility 300b with the more expensive(600.00 USD) ultra quality Shuguang Treasure Series(black glass). I use the black glass 300b and it`s sound is superb, I have about 1700 hours of use with absolutely no reliability issues. As I stated in an earlier post 6 moons has done numerous reviews and comparisions between the premium chinese,high end european and the most recent WE 300b. It would be worth your time to read those in my opinion.
Sorry to hear that, these are very tough times for many right now. I surely hope your situation improves soon.
Sakahara, you did`nt offend me at all. I was just trying to be helpful and let you know they`re significant differences between the low cost vs high cost chinese tubes these days and that they compete with the higher quaility europeans. By the way your system must sound fantastic with that Tron amp and Horning speakers. I really like my Coincident speakers but would also love to hear your speaker and the Tonian Lab Classic 12.1 with that PHY-HP 12inch driver.
Best of luck
The statement from the tube amp designer sure makes him seem misinformed and ignorant, Such strong opinions on tubes he has`nt heard and sweeping stereotypes regarding chinese products, so everything produced in china is bad? I hope his amps are better thoughout than his foolish conclusions regarding 300b tubes. There are numerous posts on this site by 300b amp owners of many different brands who have been very pleased with the better quaility chinese tubes from Shuguang, TJ Full Music Sophia etc.
Sakahara, you stated in an earlier post that you`re replacing your current speakers. I`d imagine the Tron/Horning pairing sound very good. What are replacing your Horning agathons with?
Great use of sarcasm, he deserved every bit of it. Good luck with the Sophia tubes.
You raise an interesting point, there`s a big difference in quaility (sonically and built) between the lower/mid price chinese 300b and the premium models. This is why earlier in this threat I`d strongly recommended the Shuguang Treasure Series or the TJ Full Music SE 300b. Yes they`re more expensive but are far better sounding and also extremely reliable.
The KR tubes sound very good, but for a number of audiogon users(read previous threads on this topic) have been unreliable. My amp`s(Coincident) builder Israel Blume stopped using these tubes(he liked the sound)due to poor support by the company for replacing bad tubes, I hope your experience is different. Audiogon member Montejay formerly used both the TJ carbon plate(Sophia) and the KR balloon 300b and reported the Shugaung Treasure tube was an upgrade YMMV.
Maxmad, Srajan Ebaen(6 Moons.com) during his reviews of 300b tubes was surprised to discover that in the amps he used the driver tube changed the sound character more than swapping the various output tubes.
Grant Audio is the North American distributor for TJ Full Music, I was`nt aware they`re having any problems with the higher end SE 300b tubes.
Since you have both Sophia tubes, what`s different in terms of built or physical characteristics? Different metal alloys?
Thanks Phaelon,
I`m very happy with my Shuguang Treasure tubes, but these top Sophias seem quite special. I wish you many long and satisfying hours with them.
You replaced your wonderful Tron amp? what did you find better with the replacement?
You`re right , it`s a wonderful tube.SET or push pull, it does`nt matter. If it`s a well built/designed amplifier it will simply make music sound devine. Regarding your 2nd point it seems if anything running the 300b as a SET would be more demanding on the tube than splitting/sharing the signal as in a PP circuit. I don`t understand why a tube that functions well handling the full signal would be less good when asked to do less. It appears counter intuitive, at lease to me.
Best Regards,
If you find the time, I would appreciate you posting your thoughts on these tubes in the PP amp compared to use in your SET amp. I agree 300b tubes are`nt cheap but they outlast most pentode type tubes and IMO sound better if the amp is up to snuff.
Too bad about the shortened life of the TJ/Sophias. I run my amps often and for long periods of use and must say the Shuguang Treasure tubes are just loving it and happily singing along, they have been very reliable so far and sounding grand.
Hello Tvad,
I thought you were using the push-pull Wright 2A3 amps.Several other users of the treasure tubes that I know of have had the same stellar reliability as I have.
I was an admirer of your Tron/Horning system. I`m happy to hear you`re pleased with your Thoress components(they seem to be very well made) and wish you many years of musical enjoyment with them. As for me, I absolutely love my 300b SET amplifiers and will keep them for a long time.A good 300b tube in the right amp makes beautiful music.
Best of Luck,
Thanks for your impressions of the Sophia tube. I`ve been completely happy with the Shuguang Treasure 300b for almost 2 years(sound quality and reliability). I`m however curious to hear an AVVT tube in my amplifier for comparision. Where are they available? Are they similar to the EML 300b tube?
Best Regards,
I must say I really agree with your observations. I `ve come to believe that ranking the performance of 300b tubes is not possible due to the many variables such as the ones you mentioned. Certain 300b tubes just seem to match better with different amplifiers based on circuit, passive parts,transformer, power supply design etc.

It can get expensive after a while trying numerous tubes in the higher quality range. If I come across a AVVT,EML or other highly regarded 300b for a reasonable cost I`ll give them a try. Otherwise the Shuguang Treasure is a wonderful mate with my Coincident Frankenstein, so I`ll leave well enough alone for now.
Best Regards,
Another example, numerous builders of 300b amplifiers say the type of driver tube chosen has as much if not more affect on the amp`s sound than the type of 300b output tube selected.
Hi Antigrunge,
What improvements do you hear with the dsmpers and which ones do you use? I know Herbie Audio Labs makes some.
Montejay, last month I ask Israel his opinion on that very tube. He said it`s excellent but no better than the Shuguang Treasure, perhaps with continued listening he has a different impression now. If it(Pavane) in deed betters the Treasure 300b that`s an achievement.

Regarding driver tubes is he really looking at options besides the 6EM7? That is a fantastic 300b driver IMO.
Montejay, thanks for the clarifications.
I know you`ve been very happy with the S.Treasures, are you going to try the Pavane versions and compare?
Best Regards,
Takatsuki 300b,
In the current 6 moons.com this made in japan tube has a highly impressive review. It could be the new standard among current production premium 300b tubes.
Best Regards,
Have you heard the Sophia Royal Princess? that and the Takatsuki seem to be competitors. Where can you buy the Takasuki and how expensive are they? It seems it could be quite special.
Thanks very much for your impressions. I use the Shuguang Black Treasure(BT) and love them in my Coicident amplifier. If the Psvane is a step above the BT then I`m interested. Israel Bloom(Coincident) said the BT and Psvane were very close with a minimal edge to the Psvane(could be amplifier dependent). If the Psvane is as you say then 510 dollars is fair IMO.

Are you certain the Royal Princess is just a TJ Full Music SE relabled? Have you personally compared it to the Psvane 300b? If they`re close sonically then the RP is overpriced. Have you any experience with the EML 300b? I`ll say this, the BT in my Frankenstein amp is perhaps the most transparent match I`ve yet heard in a home audio system. If the Psvane tops that then all I can say is wow!

Best Regards,

Hi Doron,
You can just click system below my post to see pictures and description. I have no bass issues at all with my Frankenstein driving the Coincident speakers. My sense regarding the EML 300b is similar to yours(based on some reviews). The Psvane is a tube I just may take a chance on given my sucess with the Black Treasure tubes.
Hype can certainly cause prices to become inflated(no doubt) but it`s not killing the"hobby". Fortunately in this market we`re able to spend and buy as we choose and within our own individual budgets. There`s such a large price range in high end audio, we all find our various levels.

Doron, are you certain the Sophia RP and the TJ Full Musuc SE are 'identical' or just similiar? That could explain the differences. Jeff Day(Positive Feedback) just went nuts over the RP and I consider him a honest/reliable reviewer. In a perfect world I`d love to be able to compare the Sophia RP and the Takatsuki-TA 300b(expensive and somewhat hard to find) in my system head to head.
Best Regards,
Thanks so much for such a kind offer. I`ll email you my address.
For some reason I don`t see your email address on audiogon. You can email me charles1dad@aol.com.
I promise, no Ornette Coleman, is Eric Dolphy ok?
The BT have been 'excellen't in the Frankenstein.Thanks to the generosity of Isochronism I`ll have the opprotunity to compare the Sophia RP and my BT 300b in a few days.
I do realize 300b tubes performance can vary when placed in different amplifiers.
You can get the Psvane from Grant Fidelity. That`e where I got my BT tubes, very good service.
Hi Phaelon,
Well for certain we both appreciate Chet Baker and 300b amps. I`ve been very interested in the Royal Princess ever since I read Jeff Day`s review it almost seemed over the top in praise. Yet Maxmad wrote on this thread that the RP seems more hifi spectacular than a maker of music. We shall see( my 2 cents worth anyway).
Thanks very much for your input. Our 300b amplifiers do differ and I have no doubts that is a significant factor in the sucess of one tube vs another. Couple that with different system components and it`s no wonder why there`s no universal'best' 300b or anything else for that matter.

I`ll get the RP tomorrow if UPS cooperates.
I got the RP tubes from brett yesterday but one of the tubes is nonfunctional(sigh). Brett says The tubes worked fine prior to shipping, so most likely damaged per UPS shipping. We`ve made arrangements with Sophia to replace and then match the new tube with the current good tube.
The tubes will then be shipped back to me.
Things are getting interesting in the upper tier of 300b tubes.This Psvane WE replica is 935.00 USD and is suppose to be a 'strict' copy,similar to whan the Japanese are doing with the Takaksuki-TA 300b. Psvane seems to have established a reputation for very high quality built and sound in a relatively short time.

I spoke to Rachel (Grant Fidelity) yesterday. She says buyer feedback for the Psvane Black glass 300b(500.00USD) has been very enthusiastic.
I eagerly await your comparision of the Takaksuki and Royal Princess tubes. I f the RP exceeds the BT(my current standard) as you state then it`s truly a superb tube.Where did you purchase the Takatsuki? was it even more expensive than the RP? This is really becoming fun and so interesting. Damm, I keep thinking about that Takatsuki ever since that 6 Moons review. That group of Polish listeners really seem like music lovers as opposed to equiment driven-sound based audiophiles.

I just want the 300b that communicates the emotion of music the best,the heck with hifi.
Thanks for the information.At current conversion 100k yen=1300.00 USD. If the Takatsuki out performs the RP and that`s a big if, well for me if would get'major' consideration to purchase. Gsm I hope your tubes come soon. Boy, at 500.00 the Psvane black glass could be the sleeper in this mix.
With the exception of Maxmad people seem extremely impressed with the Royal Princess.Phaelon, you`ve had your RPs for a while, I`d really like to hear what your experience has been. have you any experience with EML,AVVT or the WE 300B?
Thanks Phaelon,
Your objectives/quest are the same as mine, get the music reproduction as 'natural' and 'real' as is possible. Musicality is a definite positive and very flattering term in my book.
I really appreciate the fact that you`re able and willing to compare the Takatsuki and Royal Princess 300b.
Yes we all have different ears,amps and systems but in reality this is going to be the best opprotunity we have. You can`t buy every single tube(especially at these prices). Gsm you have an excellent system(also good ears to select your components in the first place).

I would place considerable weight on your comparison conclusions. High quality 300b tubes have a very long lifespan, if either of these tubes are that special then IMO it`s money wisely spent for all the years of musical pleasure they`ll provide.
Best Regards,
AVVT(mesh or solid plate?) that`s impressive, this is shaping up for some very worthy comparisions. I`ll probably have the RP early next week and will report how they perform vs the Black Treasures I own. At lease on paper, the RP and the Takatsuki is the Ali-Frazier heavyweight main event.
But upsets are known to happen.