Fathom subwoofers?

I have SVS SB3000 and REL T9/i subwoofers. I've been pleased with both, but I am wondering, what would be an upgrade? Any experiences, including Fathom, would be welcome. Thank you. 

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Showing 1 response by ohlala

My experience has been adding a pair of S510s then changing to a pair of fathom113v2s and CR1. There has been an embarrassing amount of measurements and adjustments in this process as well as help with an acoustician. 

There is a size difference between them, but no question the fathoms are more dynamic and extend lower. LF extension can be a bit of curse because those modes become more difficult to manage. The LF trim on the fathoms works, but it is not that powerful. The output and dynamics are great, though. The features of the fathoms better enable room integration in terms of frequency response and decay but not impulse. They proved necessary in my case.

Their auto room correction will partially help with suboptimal room placement. It is not an entire substitute; nothing is.