Fantasy or reality? Inexpensive solid state preamps that get you 80% there?

Recently, I posted asking about solid state preamps in the $4k region. I got some really good suggestions. Much appreciated. I have that list saved in a folder and will consult it.

I'm still a bit shy about spending $4k. So, lately, I've found myself reading about Schiit Saga and Freya S preamps. Why? Well, the idea of a non-tube preamp still appeals to me but these are much, much less expensive. 

I'm wondering if anyone has done some comparing of Schiit's Saga and Freya solid state preamps? Have you tried either of these preamps and come to some conclusions about their sonic worth compared to other more expensive solid state preamps? Were they worth it? Were they just a waste of time for you?

In brief:

Schiit Saga S vs. Freya S?
Schiit Saga or Freya vs. more costly solid state preamps?

The ultimate reason for asking is that this is a hobby where it's easy to plunk down small amounts of money (relatively) thinking that one can get 80% of what they want only to find that there's really no free lunch. If that's the case, I'll just keep saving for something better (Pass, Ayre, etc.). If not, I might just try a Saga or Freya (or something else — Parasound used? Etc.)


Showing 5 responses by decooney

@jl35 " it’s simply personal preference…"

Exactly. When I was exploring XP10/XP12, and XP20/XP22, I asked Nelson about running my Cary SLP-98 tube preamp or the SLP-05 paired up with one of the .5 or .8 Pass series amps - he shared in reply "we have many customers using your same tube preamp with our amps". So the preference comment is spot on imo, and while experiences seem to vary greatly with us all.

@hilde45 If I were in your shoes, I’d pick up a spare Linlai 6SN7 for your custom tube preamp, pair it with your Pass SS or QS tube amps, and call it a day.

i.e. Nelson likes tubes too in a preamp, another preference, with his own flat-tube version right here in a DIY preamp kit, supplied by Nelson: Korg Nutube dual triode kit. Well under your 1k state budget, at $299 for the kit. Several have tried it and like it pretty well. I’d put it up against many preamps already mentioned here.


@coltrane1 I recently acquired a throwback from the mid 90’s. A Threshold T3i. It’s got a separate and full sized power supply. Likely Stereophile A back in its day. It’s been checked out by the great Jon Soderberg. ...

I was at Jon’s place last night picking up a 50w Class A SS Forte Audio amplifier I had checked and upgraded, fully refreshed. We talked a bit about some of the prior Threshold and Forte Audio preamps. A few of them sitting there. I might pick one up for nostalgia reasons, and growing up with it all around us. Have an eye on a few now. 👍 Doing some SS/Tube A/B comparisons with my custom speakers. 


That is kind of the path @coltrane1 and I were going down with picking up an older Threshold or Forte Audio or Pass Labs preamp using Vintage Repair folks and/or businesses we all know like Bryston or Conrad Johnson techs to refresh them.

While Schiit and a few others have picked up related customers in this space, some of these older vintage preamps can be fun and sound nice too as an option. 


@hilde45 would be fun to have Schiit send you a Saga and/or Freya to compare how far off it really is (or not) from your two tube line stage preamps and the DIY solid state unit you are testing now. Could be interesting 👍


@panerai557 ...However, more you read reviews, forums, and listen to other systems, your preferences will change and upgrade desire will start eating you from inside.


Or, one day you go and listen to someone else’s system or at a show where they believe it sounds really good, sitting there asking yourself WTF? Simply need to try stuff with your own speakers, room, cables and system anyhow - - if one has any hope of giving yourself and existing investments a fair chance to evolve reasonably.