The "You Know Who" rambling in this video appears to be spreading another falsity. It seems to be a coverup for his own agenda (that he’s trying to blame the shows for).

Here’s what I think the agenda is: "I can’t say anything honest on YT in the public domain. You need to get a paid membership at my website to hear the truth"

EDIT: Looks like someone from Axpona debunked it on the comment section as well.





Showing 1 response by snilf

No negative reviews ever? Maybe that's more or less the case now, but it was not always so. My preferred speaker (and I've heard about a dozen well-regarded and more expensive alternatives in my own listening space over the years, and own three) received a devastatingly bad review from Corey Greenberg in Stereophile when it came out in the 1990s, and that review basically killed the company that made it. Still, it's my strong favorite even against multiple award winners from the reviewers, "Recommended Component" status speakers, and so forth.

Why? Am I "wrong"? Are the reviews "right"? 

A far undervalued dimension of our "hobby" is the ear-brain interface. Personal taste. Even if your "taste" is for "accurate and convincing reproduction of acoustic instrumental timbre, convincingly realistic spatiality, visceral impact"—mine is, and I play several instruments in the same acoustic space my audio system occupies—it remains the case that our bodies and minds are different, and so our subjective experience is different. How different? More difference than a different power cord (etc.!) can cause.