fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed

earlier today I posted complaint about this site, violating no guidelines, mentioning no party in particular, using no profane language....nice discussion ensued, then TAKEN  DOWN  by website!!!!

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

I've gotten 'kicked' periodically, the reason/rationale for which made me curious as to 'why'.  But, overall, I can't complain and frankly won't....

It may be a 'public forum', but hosted by a private entity; if I trip over a 'boundary' (perhaps unseen/unknown) and get yanked, well....

There's many a subtle way to invoke invective towards 'things' and individuals in a manner that either eludes or 'flies beneath the radar'. ;)

"The mailed fist beneath the velvet glove..." 

The 'sucker punch' delivered, unrealized by the target but noticed by others contains a larger degree of satisfaction than the outright *blurt*.

...one just has to work @ it...*G*