Faint buzz in speakers

There is a very faint buzz coming from speakers with amp on, but with no music stream playing. Can only be heard with ear right up to drivers. No buzz with amp off or muted. Decent amp & cabling. Is this faint buzz likely still there under music when it’s playing? Numerous noise reduction devices deployed including dedicated circuit, robust grounding, balanced power transformer, various filters. Thoughts?


Showing 3 responses by yoyoyaya

@OP Some amplifiers have small amounts of residual noise thought it should usually manifest itself as white noise, but there can be other noise as well. It is also possible that one or more of your noise reduction devices are causing the noise - including your balanced power unit. Take them all out of circuit and introduce them one by one. If the noise is still there after that, its most likely the amp itself. However, if you can't hear it from the listening position I wouldn't sweat about it.

OP. From your updated description, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the amp - its just regular residual noise. Forget about it and enjoy the music!

@giantsalami - loose connections of all kinds can be major culprits in buzzes and noises. That incudes the breaker box where vibration can loosen the connections. WARNING to all - do not go sticking screwdrivers into your breaker box - get an electrician!