Extra power or cleaner power?

I'm putting a system together and am thinking through some of the factors which might contribute to the overall sound quality. I realize that testing things out as I go is the best way, so I'm asking this question not to get advice about what to do next but to understand how folks understand and weigh these factors.

Let's start with a predicted factor -- the speakers. From the speaker description:

Anticipated speakers: Salk SS 6M
Response +/- 3db — 35Hz - 40kHz
Sensitivity — 90 db
Impedance — 8 ohms
Amplification — 50 watts (or 30wpc, tube amp)
Alignment — Front slot port
Dimensions — 9 W x 20 H x 14 D

Some (atma-sphere, decooney) have suggested on this forum that even a 60 wpc tube would be great for these speakers. So, here's my question —

Assume that I could get a very good 40 wpc tube amp to drive these speakers to sufficient listening levels (85 db at about 10 feet), for my kind of music (jazz, classical), and peaks in my (400 sq ft) listening space.

With these assumptions, the question becomes one of priorities. I could either spend additional dollars to (a) buy a more powerful amp or (b) spend that money on a power regenerator. Also assume that if I do *not* buy a regenerator, I'd still do *something* to improve the power (some kind of improvement but much less expense).

The question is: with those assumptions, what do you think would add more to the sound quality? More power or cleaner power?

Perhaps this is an impossible theoretical question to answer. If so, I'd like to know that, too!


Showing 2 responses by mesch

+1 almarg, lak. Many, myself included use power conditioning for source and digital components only. Have the amplifier plugged directly into the outlet. Conditioning can be simple filtering and/or DC offset blocking. Most likely power reconditioning will not be needed.  

My approach is (was) to purchase the desired components 1st, then cables, dedicated lines, hospital grade outlets, aftermarket power cords of correct gauge, then conditioning.  
I should add that my conditioning consists of a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet (a Balun transformer) an IEC input and using a PS Audio dual outlet. To this I use two Emotiva cmX2 filtering strips that provide filtering and DC offset blockage. This conditioning system is used for digital components only, one X2 for transport and DAC and one for DVD player and TV,  and is on it's own dedicated line. My amplifier and preamplifier are each on their own dedicated line, sans conditioning. Total cost for the three conditioning units and three power cords costs ~$500 ( all bought used except one X2 at $129. 

I would suggest that one would do well starting with using a single X2 for digital.