External drives

I'm pretty new to PC audio. I'm using a mac mini as server and have begun to import my cds. I'm getting the impression that drives are not created equal. I've been using a Samsung. Should I wait until I get a 'better' drive before ripping any more music with the theory that playback will be better with another/better drive? I'm thinking that I'll buy a Plextor for $85.00. Thanks for your comments.

Showing 1 response by sfar

The drive mechanism shouldn't have any effect on the quality of the playback. If the Samsung drive is working well I wouldn't spend any money on a different brand.

The more important consideration is whether you have a second drive to back up the primary one you use for playback. All hard drives fail, always, and always unexpectedly. They're very complex mechanical devices that operate at high speed within very fine tolerances. It isn't a question of whether they will fail, just when it will happen.

So if you don't have one already you definitely need another drive of the same or larger capacity as your primary drive and make regular backups. After years of helping manage technology at a large company I'm absolutely paranoid about backups. I have two backups of all my music and store one of them in a fireproof, waterproof box inside a locked safe.

Sorry if this sounds like a rant but I've had to hold the hand and try to be sympathetic with way too many people who lost all their data when a drive failed.