Explain what is a clean power amplifier?

Can someone explain what makes and define what a clean power amplifier is or does?  I have googled and searched the forum and haven't found a simple explanation to grasp. 


Showing 2 responses by rixthetrick

millercarbon - you cheeky buggar! I'm still smiling.

douglas_schroeder I was sincere in my congratulations, if I were able (and able to convince my wife) to invest the time and evidently money you have I would most probably go for it. I have looked at your system page, there's some serious investment.

mahgister you have made efforts to share the benefits of setting audio equipment up and trying to make it work in your budget and house the best you can.

I see merit in both camps, and I've got my feet in both camps. After reading and learning more about electrical issues I splurged out on a device to clean up my AC for my system. I was seriously looking at Inakustik, but for less cost and I believe a better investment I went with Puritan power conditioner that also has protection built in.

I like this definition of Embedding: to make something an integral part of.

I have no idea where my individual equipment choices rate in the world of audiophile performance. I simply can't afford six figures for every element of my system to make it SOTA.

Now if others in the forum do have the kind of budget to spend >six figures on the main elements of their system, I sincerely congratulate you and your fiscal prowess (douglas_schroeder).

I have enjoyed being here in this forum, and read and researched earnestly, on how to integrate the elements of my system. Now I may not have done my embedding (mahgister) or integration of my system in my house quite the same as anyone else.

With my limited budget, and spousal approval, I have managed to find improvements incrementally as I've made my way. I do appreciate that most people in here have the social graces to include everybody, and allow all of us to contribute as we may. We all have different opinions, and I constantly see World's finest, and World's best this and that claimed in advertising. Maybe a reviewer somewhere has a pretty good idea, but has anyone heard every single high end equipment being developed and sold around the globe??

trevanian - I hope you've got a reasonable answer to your question? If a clean power amplifier is one that faithfully amplifies the original signal it is fed, without colouring it with noise, then I have an understanding of a clean sounding power amplifier.