Explain what is a clean power amplifier?

Can someone explain what makes and define what a clean power amplifier is or does?  I have googled and searched the forum and haven't found a simple explanation to grasp. 


Showing 13 responses by mahgister

The cleanliness of the electrical grid of the house can be more "critical" than the cleanliness of the amplifier.... Brand "choices" or "tastes" are not the solution, even if some amplifier are better than other one....
In just 5 second google search anybody can educate itself....

« The room response is far more critical than the speaker response.»
Dennis Foley

Chief Acoustics Engineer

I will  add that the 2 other embeddings will impact critically the S.Q. in a different way than the acoustical controls or uncontrols but nonetheless in a very audible way....The electrical grid of the house and his noise floor is the sea where float the audio system... Not controlling this sea is opening the gates of distorsions hell.... :) Same for the importance of the resonance underestimated controls....

This not adocating for some disparate "tweaks" , my rant is advocating for a "method" accessible to anyone... The beginning is stating clearly the problem at the root of an audio experience and experiment....

What is the more important for Hi-Fi experience?

The choice between paying 2000 dollars for a speakers or 4000 dollars? Or the way to embed ANY speakers making it able to produce his utmost potential S. Q. ?

It is not difficult to answer.....Except for someone who sells speakers...Or some brand.... Etc....
First, room acoustic is fundamental...

I think they vastly overrate the impact of the room vs. the benefit of advancing the system itself.
Second, upgrading (advancing the system) is a money pit and the root of this "elitism" that you speak about.

Third, room acoustic made my listening experiments  possible and at practically no cost a hi-Fi experience by itself...Using passive materials and also with active homemade device... I know i made it and the reward is amazing....

A remark:
Buying very good components in the scale corresponding to our purse is the first task.... But upgrading after that is a very problematic solution to the problem of the system improvement....No one can exceed his purse possibility, and most upgrades in the same rung of the scale is no more an upgrade but a "sidegrade", a useless expansive variation ....And the source of frustrations....

Then the solution to reach Hi-Fi experience cannot comes from the buying spree in "elite" new brand technology.... The solution can come and must come from the way we will embed rightfully what we already owns, that is anyway already relatively good gear if well choosen... a good amplifier or a good speakers of 20 years or 30 years ago or more are not obsolete  nor so bad that they cannot gives no more an HiFi experience...

 i call that solution the 3 embeddings of any audio system: resonance- vibrations controls in the mechanical dimension, controlling and decreasing the noise floor of the electrical grid of the audio system, of the room and of the house, and last but not least, controlling the acoustical space in a passive way with varieties of low costs materials and in an active way with simple homemade devices... All that is possible, simple, and dont cost high money.... I know that i made it.... Anyone go with his purse...

The true "elitism" and snobbery and ignorance is affirming that what i speak about, is impossible, illusory, and false...Saying only high cost gear is the key is half truths, and half truths are worse than lies....

Anyone KNOW only what he can create for himself.... I learn it the hard way for the last 7 years....

Audiophile experience is possible for all creative people at low costs....

Equating all i just say with the affirmation that  all piece of audio system are on the same level is not what i speak about at all....A Million dollars system will be better than my system but will need also to be rightfully embed to reach his potential higher S. Q....

Hi-Fi experience, naturalness of musical timbre, holographic imaging, dynamic, etc are all possible with a low cost good system, modulo the rightfull embeddings.... 
Now I may not have done my embedding (mahgister) or integration of my system in my house quite the same as anyone else.
Nobody can do the rightful triple embeddings in the same exact ways, with exactly the same devices and the same materials.... Why?

Simply because we must create our own particular solutions. for our own particular resonance-vibration dimension,for our own electrical grid, for our own acoustical space, different from gear to gear and house to house, and room to room.... Different also in price and time invested....

The only common thing between us will be the creativity....And some commonality of the problems then some commonality of the solutions.... My best to you....
I consider myself an audiophile precisely because i avoid the pitfall of obsessively buying anything especially or because it is very costly...(it is easy tough i dont have money) :)

I try to buy the best at the lowest cost, it takes me 5 years to do so.... for the last 2 years my choices being so good my buying spree at low cost is ended...

A true audiophile think mostly about embedding rightfully the audio system then putting it on the right track to reach his true potential optimal S.Q.

A true audiophile is able to made it possible at the lowest cost...

Buying costly gear is easy, anybody can.... Embedding it rightfully, with the necessary methods and controls, mechanically, electrically and acoustically, at very low cost, is being an audiophile...

A bunch of ready made branded new pricey tweaks is not a method tough ....

I have create methodically my own "tweaks" for my specific gear, house , and room....At peanuts costs, and some has been even scandalized by this possibility in this thread few hours ago and expressed their anger for this blasphemy against audio and against this pretense of mine....

But reviewers, marketers, and upgrading obsessive consumers are not audiophiles by birth ....The first 2 species sells products, the second one accumulate one piece of gear after another without thinking and believing that the last will be ready out of the box to be the best there is for high fidelity experience.... But this only gives frustrations and illusory experiences most of the times....A real experience is continuous and develop in time step by step on years....This is an audiophile history in the making because we become audiophile by owning a creative listening history, not by owning a product or a brand...

Audiophiles listen their music, because they love music and music train their ears and soul....

The main instrument of the audiophile is his listening history and ears experiments....

Most people mocking audiophile dont have a clue....Sorry....

Clean power comes when the number of idiots in a room is less than 1.0

Myself i make an effort..... :)

I apologize for my post.....I will erase it if someone ask me....

You completely miss the point...

I never negate that there is different price points and a level of quality that we must pay for...

I only try to clarify some simple rules i called triple embeddings for ANY audio system be it 1000 dollars or 10000 dollars...

Even the costlier amplifier in the world can be isolated, tuned, and located in a house more electrically clean and in a good acoustical room...He will reach then his own potential S.Q.

Even a low cost one also can be push at his own potential in the same way...

You falsely accuse me to negate the difference between the 2 price and quality design...

Then you affirm something i never say, that there will be no difference at all between a 1000 piece of gear and a 100,000 one...

What i say is the real difference between the 2 system is not so much generally the money or the quality design only but the right or wrong way to embed them...

Hi -Fi experience is possible at low cost....But nobody in his right mind will say that all audio design has the same potential at the same level...

When timbre naturalness is there, and imaging, when the speakers dont exist anymore, when the sound float in the room, you have SOME hi-fi experience at SOME level.... Is it possible at low cost? yes this is possible.... The rest is boasting about price.....

Tweakers think they are moving at light speed toward the upper end, when in fact they are inching along. It’s pretty sad.

What you just say about SOME tweakers can be said about SOMEreviewers that sell a product....

"reviewers think they are moving at light speed toward the upper end,when in fact they are inching along. It is pretty sad"

You see the irony? All tweakers are not made equal no more than all reviewers are made equal....

The TRUTH is simple: the way a product is embed is as important as his quality design or his price... This is the only fact i affirm.... Like it or not.....

I am not a tweaker among others, and i dont sell tweak, i describe a method and my idea are free, i bought nothing, i create with homemade materials or 10 bucks device....I experiment with my ears....Inching along yourself my friend.... I know what i listen to....What is pretty sad is when others describe for you your own experience without even trying to understand you....Keep your turf safe i will keep mine....I wish you the best and i like to discuss...thanks for this occasion for me to clarify my points...

My best to you....
Simply because you work like a dog to tweak systems, you figure you are making amazing headway, catapulting the sound WAY up there. Not so. You are messing around in a small, yes small, slice of the performance spectrum and are not even touching the upper end. You typically do not qualify your posts, but boast about getting sound that can't be improved, is exemplary, etc. It's ridiculous.  :(
How can you know what i listen to?

You are very affected by the possibility for people to afford at low cost their own heaven, why?

Are you a seller?

Do you think that you are the only  one who knows how to push some audio system near his optimal sound?

There is many different audio system at different prices, none are on the same level than the others.... Price is related yes in some way to quality....

But my friend any system at any price has his own optimal potential that is not there ready made out of the box.... We must EMBED mechanically, electrically, and acoustically ANY system, whatever his price....

This is my 3 embeddings method, not a bunch of tweaks by some fool that delude himself...

My concept is clear for anyone to understand, NO audio system is ready to play at his potential without controlling his resonance and vibrations, without  decreasing the electrical noise floor of the system and of the house, without controlling passively with some materials and actively with some device the room's acoustic... These are my 3 embeddings method for all to do....

What you dont like is the fact that applying that is also possible at low cost  with homemade materials or low cost one...

 Why ? Why ranting about this good news?
You will NOT ha e anything close to SOTA, no matter how much you boast. ONLY superior systems make superior sound. Tweaking is a loser’s game,
You are not completely wrong, nobody can make a Ferrari with a Volkswagen...

But automobile metaphors reach immediately here their limitations...

Audio system are constituted by 2 aspects, FIRST the high quality engineering design, and we must pay for that or choose vintage very good product; and SECOND the way to embed this design...

A bunch of tweaks is not a method....You are right....

But a method exist to embed any audio system rightfully....THIS IS THE KEY TO AUDIO,not giving money to company...

A relatively good design can give you Hi-Fi experience without investing money...This is the first step...

I have it....

Investing too much is a looser game....

Thinking, reading, experimenting with your EARS gives you not the best in the world without money but a reasonnably more than good audio system...

I know that first hand...

Sorry for those who think that we all are damned without money or without specialist to create it for us...

My audio system is made of vintage very good electronic parts and i dont think that one of the best amplifier in the world in 1978 is now trash compare to those actual design.... Same thing for speakers....

I dont sell anything, and i dont boast, my system is some Hi-Fi for peanuts....The price to pay was to embed it rightfully, mechanically,electrically,and acoustically especially....This systematic experiments in embeddings are a method not a bunch of costly tweaks...

I dont claim that my system is on par with very costly one i claim that it is not so far behind that what you suggest...

Money can afford Hi-Fi partly but we need a brain and some works to go there...

My post is for those who will read this thread and will think after reading you that they cannot make it by themselves except by giving mass of money, this is false, totally false, except for marketers or sellers; anybody can create his own heaven at low cost...Not the best there is for sure but a good one.... The rest is true boasting,... I dont boast, i motivate others people about their own creativity.... I sell nothing except that and at no cost.... Be free and create....
We know, and are among the few here, that embeddings only can gives to us optimal Hi-Fi and reveal the potential of any electronic components...None is at his optimum right of the box...

A bunch of tweaks are not a method tough, it is the reason why i create this simple concept of triple embeddings to clarify the subject for myself.... You catch it on the spot....

But others think about "tweaks" like secondary artefact and mostly snakeoil....

It is important to explain things clearly....

I know nothing myself and without money i was in the obligation to think about it without ready made costly solutions at my feet... :)

 But anyway "golden plate" or Emat they decrease each in their own way the noise floor of the house and it is one of the goal...

You’re right! I completely unplugged my amp from my dirty house AC and it sounded wonderful! For about five seconds. Then it faded out. Plugged it back in. Crap dirty sound again. Unplugged, clean power! But only for seconds! How can I get clean power to last longer???

The concept of cleanliness is a relative concept.... this is my point....Upstream to the amplifier there is muddy waters this is also my point....

Noise floor is also a relative concept...

When you use your tweaks on your different gear and on the electrical panel you decrease the noise floor and let the signal then better be perceived out of the decreased noise level.... That is my point but you know already that....

No amplifier is cleaner than the electrical grid where it is embed... Even the cleaner amp in the world will be polluted by the noise of the electrical grid of our house....

Then not only it is important to have a clean amplifier but way more important to clean the other part of the system and decrease the noise floor of the house....

Clean is then not enough "clean"..... :)

Clean power coming from an amplifier ,comes first from the electrical grid of the house....

Then it is of no avail to bought the best amplifier in the world without cleaning the electrical grid....

Costly solutions exist, but low cost one also....

When the power that comes from the grid is cleaner, a better instrumental timbre and a better imaging result naturally from the conveying signals...

Instead of thinking about how to embed their amplifier or any other gear, most think to buy a ready made solution... But there exist NO electronic component that is by itself the ready made solution to the complex triple embeddings....

« Noise contains silence like oyster contains pearl» -Groucho Marx