Experienced only: What have you done with room correction?

I like to sometimes ask questions just to learn how others have experienced a technology and this is one of those times.

I’m genuinely curious about who has applied automatic room correction, and what your experience was? Did it turn your Monitor Audios into Martin Logans? Your Martin Logans into Wilsons? 😀

Good and bad, but experienced only please!

For the record, I use it for HT now and I’m meh. I had much better luck with manually (with tools) adjusting my miniDSP.  Also, I'm absolutely not looking to buy anything, I just want to read about your experiences because it is fun.


Showing 1 response by 4krowme


  My experience with room correction via Velodyne SMS1 can be mostly a good thing if your subs and sats have a chance of being married. If there is no match with those to begin with, then it is same as being shot in the eye with a toothpick by some who say they are sorry but can hardly keep from laughing.

 OTOH, if I leave this task to myself, and a sub full of knobs, I will surely leave out something and not know the difference. 'Oh, there's deeper, fined tuned bass in this recording? I must have tweaked something to the left.'