experience with mail order

going thru a horror show with audio mail order[alpha stereo or stereo abc] any comments on dealers good or bad?
You want a class act in mail order? TOYS FROM YHE ATTIC in White plains,N.Y. 914-421-0069 Info@tfta.com See ad in STEREOPHILE.The owner Mario is by far the best dealer I have known.This guy will do what ever it takes to satisfy your audio needs.He knows his stuff like no one else,prices are lowest,packs products very well and gets t to you quickly.If you want to get bac into analog Mario is the man to call.Analog can be tough to do right and I screwed up plenty but Mario guided me every step of the way.If I would have listened to him more closely I could have saved alot of money but he got me straightened out.He is the man to call!
ive had no problems with jr music world, soundcity, and american theater systems (best price on yamaha) you will also get the service, quality, price and most of all respect when you deal with Audio Video Multimedia Solutions. free brochure. 30 day trial. toll free 888-803-3770.thank you !
ABC stereo/alpha stereo -I just had an terrible experience with this company. Cost me a lot of money and disapointment. Someone have to sue them and get them out of business so they will not hurt other people. They are shameless and totaly unreliable. My advise- pay double the price, but don't deal with them!!
I can highly recommend "electronicsdirect.com" and "OneCall". Both confirmed they had items in stock and called to confirm they had shipped.
I have great response with Elusive Disc, Acoustic Sounds, and Music Direct. All orders have been filled in timely manner with helpful and knowing staff.
I ordered some speakers from Uncles Stereo in NYC and spoke to Andrew Kent. I live in the midwest so this is the cheapest to get what you need without paying retail or sometimes even over. Very Satisfied with the service Andrew gave me. Not pushy and and he took the time to educate me on home theater. The number is 1-800-978-6253. Even if its just for advice, he will answer your questions without pressuring you to whip out your credit card number.
Try Yawa Audio/Video (626) 350-8036. They carry Energy, Denon, Onkyo, MIT, Panasonic, Technics, etc. They have the best prices and service I've every encountered for either mail order or internet purchases. Their e-mail address is: yawaudio@vividnet.com web address (just starting) www.yawaaudio.com
Always ask for a reference. Funny, people almost never do. If the company your dealing with has been around awhile, they should be able to offer you a reference in your home state. thanks, Brian@HelloHiFi.com ph805.527.9739 fax805.527.9808 www.hellohifi.com eCatalog available. New equipment demo’s by appointment. All quotes are good for 30 days. Customers in every state, & 26 countries (angol/ingles/englisch/beszelunk magyarul!/ hablamos en espanol/wir sprechen deutsch).
I have experienced excellent service from Sound City in NYC. I would recommend their mail order service to anyone.
Have always been impressed with Kief's in Kansas. Have purchased several items, none super high end however, and have always been satisfied. Honest advise too.
They are real cheaters. Once I ordered a Parasound CD Player, they did not send the merchandise ever but charged to my Visa, following day they charged again, I wrote may be a hundred EMails and Faxes but received no reply. Eventually I got the charges cancelled by my bank. I complained to USA Embassy for them. Go with AUDIOADVISOR who is really trustworty and proffesional. Ozhan Atalay TURKEY
Yes, the Mail Order FAQ is an excellent resource for information. Bill Nau started that site, and put forth an awesome effort in collecting information and assembling data. Time constraints and daily life has prevented him from updating the site recently, so the Audiogon will be working with him. We are assembling a brand new site, which will be a seperate entity from the Audiogon. We hope to announce the grand opening in early Febraury... we're almost there :)
The mail order FAQ and vendor list which Po4jackibmnet mentioned is an excellent resource. I have ordered from several of the better dealers listed wihtout any problems. An interesting note is that the survey and listings were suposed to be taken over by none other than AUDIOGON, according to the last update on Mr. Nau's site. I have yet to see it here though.
Yes I am going through a horror show with ABC Eelctronics. They are horrible. Look at Digitaltheater.com under "forum" and "system integration" under "Vendor Alert" to see my rant. I am still dealing with this ridiculous company. << going thru a horror show with audio mail order[alpha stereo or stereo abc] any comments on dealers good or bad? >> 
One of the best on-line mail order vendors in my opinion is Lightning Audio/Video. If you speak to Jerry you will receive honest information and prices. Also, he can get just about any product at a fair price. Give Jerry a call at 1-888-333-8595. Troy
<< going thru a horror show with audio mail order[alpha stereo or stereo abc] any comments on dealers good or bad? >> You should check out the following site for a score on the qualilty of many on-net merchandisers: http://www.visi.com/~nau/mailorder/
I just bought a Sonic Frontiers preamp from NorthCountry Audio in Redwood, New York (email northcountryaudio@cadencebuilding.com, phone 315-287-2852). Got good advice and excellent service. George