So, I guess I need to ask this again.
I am very skeptical about paying $4000+ for an item (Lumin L2) that is essentially an external hard drive.
I have my Lumin X1 (it has a direct fiber input) connected via fiber from the EtherRegen which is connected via a short Ethernet cable (WireWorld 8) to my modem. I stream Qobuz.
I have copied (24/96,192, DSD) via a high Rez Tascam recorder my entire music collection LP’s, CD’s downloads, etc. and have that material on an 8tb hardrive (with several extra copied hardrives just in case).
I connect the hard drive to my Lumin with a short USB cable. ALL of my music is available via the Qobuz/ Lumin format.
So, what if anything, sound quality wise, would the Lumin L2 provide beyond a fancy case and $4000?