Experience with Lumin L2?

Has anyone tried the LUMIN L2?  The LUMIN L1 I've been using is starting to not cooperate and the L2 looks tempting with the SPDIF connections 

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Showing 3 responses by ozzy

I own the Lumin X1 and I have an 8TB hard drive attached to it. I really don't see anything that would suggest that the sound quality would be better with the L2.



How did you run fiber from your router without the etherregen?

Many of the cheap fiber converters degrade the sound.


So, I guess I need to ask this again.

I am very skeptical about paying $4000+ for an item (Lumin L2) that is essentially an external hard drive.

I have my Lumin X1 (it has a direct fiber input) connected via fiber from the EtherRegen which is connected via a short Ethernet cable (WireWorld 8) to my modem. I stream Qobuz.

I have copied (24/96,192, DSD) via a high Rez Tascam recorder my entire music collection LP’s, CD’s downloads, etc. and have that material on an 8tb hardrive (with several extra copied hardrives just in case).

I connect the hard drive to my Lumin with a short USB cable. ALL of my music is available via the Qobuz/ Lumin format.

So, what if anything, sound quality wise, would the Lumin L2 provide beyond a fancy case and $4000?
