Experience with Acoustic Signature Calypso

Any one have any experience with the Acoustic Signature Calypso turntable? I'm looking to upgrade from my Luxman PD277, and the Calypso seems like a very solid, well-made table, especially for the money. I basically like the sound of the Luxman table, but I'd like to get some lower bass and a little more quietness. The Luxman has a hollow aluminum platter, and I'm wondering if the Calypso, with a large solid aluminum platter, may sound similar. I'd also like to put my old Luxman tonearm from the PD277 on the Calypso, as this tonearm sounds fantastic with my ZYX Universe cartridge. Thanks for any comments.
Dear Klinerm: Glad to hear you are enjoy you analog rig. You are welcome.

Regards and enjoy the music.
your luxman is a classic. a cartridge upgrade might get the bass, etc. you want,
Well, I've now got a Final Tool Mk II with an SME Series V arm and a ZYX Universe all hooked up, and it sounds like heaven, even after a somewhat hasty "first approximation" cartridge setup. The most telling thing, to me, is how quickly entire album sides seem to go by. Thanks for good advice, Raul.

How would you compare a rewired SME V to a Triplanar or some of the newer designs?? How does it compare to your Kuzma Airline?
Hi Raul,
to get more out of the SME V one should rewire
the tonarm with a continuous cable like cardas or other
Regards Karl-Heinz
Hi Raul,
to get more out of the SME V one should rewire
the tonarm with a continuous cable like cardas or other
Regards Karl-Heinz
Dear Klinerm: Well the SME V is a very good tonearm: you will be satisfied with it and the Final Tool.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul, I'm not aware of anyone who has more turntables / tonearms than you, so I'm going to take your advice and go for the Final Tool. I've gotten a good deal on an SME Series V, so I'm going to try that first. If I'm not totally happy with it, I'll put a DP-6 next to it and decide which sounds better.
Dear Klinerm: The Rega 100 is a good tonearm but the VTA adjustement is a must to have for we can get the best from any cartridge. I don't know if an aftermarket VTA adjuster do a compromise ( trade-off ) in the tonearm performance. Why don't take a look to the Moerch DP-6 tonearm?, this one is a very good tonearm too.

I like more the Final Tool design: three points support and external motor.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have been reading about the Rega 1000 arm and thinking of putting it on an Acoustic Signature. It's all-metal cast construction appeals to me, but I've seen it criticized for lack of VTA. Do you have any thoughts on the importance of this omisssion? Would an aftermarket VTA adjuster hurt the sound?

Also, at least one distributor toutes the Calypso as being an improvement over the Final Tool (it is a little more expensive, althought that of course doesn't mean anything). They look like very different tables.
If you can go for the Final Tool, that will be better. Any way, Acoustic Signature is a great TT builder.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks, Raul - I know you have promoted the Final Tool on other threads, and this influenced me to look at this table. I'll post again if I get the Calypso and report on it.
Dear Klinerm: I own two Acoustic Signature TTs and I can tell you that I'm very proud to own it.

This all metal design is really good: it is a non-oil bearing design that is a tour du force bearing design ( other than air and magnetic bearing designs ), it has a stand alone motor and an external power supply that is inmune to electrical fluctuations, it can acomodate up to three diferents tonearms and is really trusty.

I don't have experience with the Calypso model but the bearing, motor and power supply is the same in all the Acoustic Signature line. Recomended!!!!!!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.