Excess speaker wire

New member here. I saw some posts on not coiling excess speaker but is there any opinion on running the excess length in a figure of 8? i have my hi fi rack in such a position that it is placed much closer to one speaker.

Showing 1 response by williewonka

@ludwig99 It may be better to use a shorter cable for one side.-
- some people will not agree
- it does make using those cables elsewhere a problem
- a friend has the same problem so he used a shorter cable on one channel and is very happy

Coiling any wire introduces electromagnetic waves, but are they audible?
- that depends on how resolving/sensitive your system is.
- speaker wires are low voltage compared to mains cables
- it could depend on the speaker wire also
- different cable geometries are more sensitive than others

Will coiling a speaker cable do any damage to your system?
- probably not, but again, depends on your amp
- you could get feedback into the amp - not good

I read a while back that power cables should not be coiled, but instead use a figure 8 and put a twistie to keep the figure 8 shape.

My A/V system has the same issue
- I kept both cables are the same length so I could use them elsewhere
- I simply loop one cable in a "U" shape under the TV stand
- there is no issue with sound quality, image etc..

Hope that helps - Steve