Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget

Hello All...I am primarily a classical music listener, leaning more towards solo piano, symphony/orchestral, and chamber music. I have a Rotel A14 integrated amp in which I plan to add mono amplifiers to at some point in the future. I let a pair of B&W 804 Nautilus Speakers slip through my fingers recently. There is a B&W 804 Matrix set for sale near me, but don’t know if the Nautilus are better than the Matrix. So, I let a good pair slip through my fingers. But, it got me to thinking...Are there any other brands that I should consider besides B&W? I had in mind to audition Magenpan and Martin Logan electrostatics. Seeing that I only want to spend around $2,000, does anyone have any ideas?

In my office, I use Adam A7x nearfield monitors with ribbon tweeters, and for headphones, I love my Sennheiser 800S’. I like a nice detailed, clear, and forward sound. Would another ribbon tweeter floor standing set do it for me? Electrostats the way to go?

Looking forward to your suggestions.
1. I will second  stevea11757's suggestion for Shahanian Obelisks. Or Hawks. Or Diapasons. You can never have too much of a good thing.

2. I will disagree with the estimable atamasphere. Most speakers I have owned I felt were better with certain and specific musical genres. I know that this shouldn't be the case theoretically but my ears tell me it's so. My opinion only...

3. Having said that, there are a couple of speakers that come very close to making atamasphere's statement true. The above mentioned Obelisks, the Larsen 4/6/8 speakers (I don't have any experience with the 9), and some models of JBL horn monitors.

For the last couple of years I have been using a pair of JBL L200T3 speakers in my living room and they continue to blow me away with how great they sound with (almost) all music. These are the home version (meaning cheap cabinets) of the 4425 studio monitor. They use the (in)famous "baby butt cheeks" (aka Dolly Partons) biradial horn flare. Simple 2-way xover and work with almost any amp but a little power cranks up the low notes through the 12" bass driver.
Do yourself a favor and check out the Tekton speaker line up.  They're  mail order only and the backlog is months long.  You'll have to wait forever to get them but the wait will reward you well.
" I’ve heard Harbeth is great, but I had to chance to hear them in Japan and they were too warm for my taste."

If you found the Harbeth is a warm sounding speaker, a Spendor would sure not be the speaker for you! I have owned many of both brands and the Spendor is a warmer sounding speaker than the Harbeth!
If you found the Harbeth is a warm sounding speaker, a Spendor would sure not be the speaker for you! I have owned many of both brands and the Spendor is a warmer sounding speaker than the Harbeth!

yogi is not wrong on this statement, but spendor’s product line is bifurcated... the standmount 'classic' series is warmer (old school bbc lossy cabinet design)... floorstanding 'd' series (d7 d9) is a much modern hifi sound (rigid cabinets etc etc) ... i would say that newer harbeths pretty much fall in the middle of the two spendor lines