That's a matter of someone's ( ears ) opinion. Also you must take into account what your associated equipment is. Different equipment will bring out the Quciksilver's or the VRD's. We all have different likes/dislikes when it comes to audio equipment. If not then there would only be 1 tube offered, 1 amp offered etc.
We all do not like the same thing. I was reading the thread on Mac gear and noticed someone did quite like it. I myself find it boring to listen to. But if someone else finds it quite good??? More power to them, enjoy!
So to make a opinionated statement ( about varying peices of equipment )does not come close to the truth.
We are always asking " does this sound better than this? " " Or will that sound better with mine? " But the only true way to find out is to sit down and a/b the stuff. Then you will form your own opinion about what is right for you.
I was once in a audio store and was listening to a $100,000 plus system. The salesmen asks me what I thought of it. I responded. " I don't like it at all, it sounds terrible to me " But now the next person might come along and think it was the most wonderful setup in the world! Does that make one of us wrong in our choices?
I myself like Quciksilver.