evs ground conrol tweak

I am interested in trying this tweak out. I would like to here from other members who have tried these as to what improvements they experienced. I have heard both good and bad about them, including someone saying that after a while with them in there system that they seemed to have a negitive effect on the sound of there system, any opinions are welcome, thanks, Kent

Showing 2 responses by hdm

They did not work for me. No question they changed the sound and, to be honest, at first I thought they were very impressive.

Their effect in my system was to accentuate details, definitely more air around instruments and voices, which all sounds good. In the end, though, it was too much. The overall presentation was kind of "hyperdetailed" with sounds being pulled apart and isolated in what was, to me, an unnatural way. More hi-fi but less realistic sounding, if you will. And definitely less "relaxing" to listen to on music that should be relaxing to listen to. I found that, overall, I just did not want to listen to my system as much with them in as with them out.

For those that value detail, soundstaging, imaging and qualities like that above all I can see how someone might like them. But to me, both voices and instruments ultimately sounded less natural and realistic with them in place.
Blake here Ron. Small world. (I am the guy that sold the Ground Enhancers to Rcrerar, LOL).