Every make a purchase you truly regret?

Look, we've all done it. We read about that special piece of equipment that catches our eye. Every review seems to be glowing--never a discouraging word. So, after several weeks of reading about it but with no real opportunity to hear it, we decide to "just do it," and buy it, probably selling a vital piece of equipment to afford the new piece.

So we buy the new gear, plug it into the system, and bamm! It just plain stinks! No matter what tweaking we try, we can't seem to grow to like it. Now we're stuck, feeling like a "Class A" chump, another victim of the audio press.

Question: If this situation has ever happened to you, did you try to go back to what you had originally, or did you press on, trying something else altogether? Anyone ever start over completely?

Me? I always seem to try something else altogether, and it's starting to get expensive. However, I'm considering starting over completely. I mean, get rid of EVERYTHING and start from scratch. Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

Biggest mistake I ever made was not the purchase of a piece of equipment, but an 'upgrade' to an already existing piece. I had a Proceed PAV, and trying to upgrade to DD,DTS on the cheap, I went for the MSB Technology 5.1 'upgrade', instead of selling the PAV and buying an AVP. Long story short, MSB ruined the unit and refused to repair it or refund my money. I'm out of high end pre/pro's now, using a Denon receiver for my HT needs. It will be a long time before I have any equipment 'modified' again, especially by someone who isn't the manufacturer.