Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...

Evaluating as a standalone streaming player.

8 hours run time. So far sounds dull and lifeless.

  • Streaming Qobuz only
  • DH Labs ethernet
  • Zavfino Fina power cable
  • Zavfino Fusion XLR interconnects

DMP 8 settings

  • DSD audio: native (default was DSD over PCM - sounds the same)
  • Volume: max
  • DAC filter: short delay slow roll-off (default)

Any ideas from other DMP 8 owners?


PS. I really enjoy SXM radio for background music and this is missing on the A8 (which I knew in advance, and yes, I know I can stream it from my phone). I did try Paradise Radio on the A8 and it doesn't sound as good as SXM from the N130.

@1happyman @dandion

UPDATE: I kept at it and tried a few CD quality tracks as I had up to this point only streamed Qobuz Hi Res.

CD quality on the A8 sounds very good side by side.

So I went back to Hi Res and sure enough, lower gain and less sparkle from the A8.

Turned off Replay gain and MUCH MUCH better!!!

Next will try the A8 with my DAC.

Macg19 make sure all processing is turned off in the A8. And put few more hours on it. Too early to throw in a towel.