Eva Cassiday Blew Me Away with her cover of Wayfaring Stranger....

It caught me by surprise to have my eyes already closed (because of work stress), sitting at my desk with a glass of bourbon.  I was cleaning junk up and Wayfaring Stranger comes on by Eva Cassiday, and I had no idea for a moment who was singing the song.  I was just listening without active listening. 

Well, I was grooving to her movements on this and I thought her tone was big, warm and bold with gobs and gobs of soul.  Wow.  It woke me up from some stress to experience a moment.  That's pretty great.  

Is Eva Cassidy worth a deeper dive?  I'm only superficially familiar with her and find her talented, if not a touch easy listening at times.  I can dig that.  Is her catalog diverse in sound scape and production? 

At any rate, what a version of Wayfaring Stranger, and it just so happens to be a  superb recording to boot!


Showing 6 responses by jbhiller

Thank you. I’ll get to that album next!

I was researching her today and saw she died at 33, was it?

Thank you everyone!  She was an amazing talent. Wow.  She sings a blues so effortlessly.  It's really something.  

@wolverine1 , Thank you for veering a bit off topic! You are correct. I have skipped a few years and need to go in with my Irish-English pale skin. 

I'm guilty of giving her not enough attention before.  That is my mistake and my loss.  Wow. She was a natural talent.  

I play music but am only average.  I can learn a lot of stuff with hard and focused practicing.  I've learned to sing way better than I should be able to.  There's no way on earth I could ever even hit notes with body that she does and still mean it.  I'm bowing down in appreciation.  I wish she lived for my selfish love of music.  Thank you Eva Cassidy. 

@reubent , Good question.  I use Roon.  I built, per Roon's own directions (to the letter) a Roon Rock out of an Intel NUC CPU.  The total cost with RAM is about $300--wait, we are in an inflationary market!--I think I paid about $300 or so.  

The Roon Rock, which just uses a fast little CPU box you buy.  It's about 4" X 5".  It runs in Linus (I think, but cannot recall).  It's sole job is to run only two things--whatever it needs to boot up and communicate generally with you and Roon's software.  That means it's incredibly fast and strong.  It's the computer the size of 3 decks of cards (and an inch here or there) stacked on top of each other. 

So, How I heard the song by Eva C?  When Roon finishes an album I play it will run Roon Radio and try to match the vibe of your recent plays.  It allows you to have input if you want.  I do spend a good bit of time listening to female vocalists.  Some in jazz, some in pop/rock, or whatever genre.  And I had been listening to something by Joni Mitchell and then something by Madison Cunningham, then something by Melody Bardot.  That playlist of. mine ended and Roon put on songs, one of which was Wayfaring Stranger, by Eva Cassidy.  

The Roon software is pretty great.  It is wonky here and there.  

I like Hans too! 

Thank you all for the positivity on this thread. Not a single snarky response.  Probably hard to be negative when Eva is the subject matter at hand!