Regarding the Best Swiss for your $$ spent Jays Audio this below is his brand,which has a bunch of quality in it ,by friend bought his before me , this has a Over controlled lock ,linear power supplies, fully regulated ,I see a couple reviews . This stays on always and take a solid 2 weeks to fully run in and absolutely works ,smoother ,quieter and more natural, that being said and myself being into testing modding for years 2 guaranteed upgrades , 1. But a pangea awg 14 sigmk2 power cord ,far better then junk stock cord ,and upgrade junk steel zinc buzz fuse remove the bottlenecks synergistic purple fuse 1.25amp 20 mm slow blow fuse these two
made a very nice improvement the switch itself vs cheap switch at least a 5% improvement in every area ,and much blacker background and more natural .IMO the fuse, is essential as well as the power cord ,they both directly effect the incoming power ,remove the bottle necks this gives it a solid 12% increase in musicality,the fuse a solid 250 hours ,synergistic states in the instructions 2-300 hours it is pretty spot on . We tested his after breakin with 7 people and several switches including the Sonore,and uptone , then with fuse and power cord allowing 1 hr to warm up , 6 out of 7 said without question , the Sonore and uptone had a Sbooster LPS . It’s a very good buy IMO.