Ethernet Switch

Hey All: Just moved into new construction and got internet service hooked up today. I have the signal in the utility room connected to a wireless router temporarily. I have 8 Ethernet jacks positioned around the house with several in my new dedicated room so I can stream hardwired rather than over the WiFi. 
I am looking at a 16 port gigabit switch from NETGEAR to send the signal out to to various rooms but am wondering if there are better quality switches I should be considering and, if so, what I should be looking into. I don’t want a data bottleneck at the switch but also don’t want to spend more than necessary to get the job done.

Any thoughts are welcome.


Showing 1 response by audphile1

Netgear will be just fine. But…can you use one of the router outputs to drive the signal to your audio room and just use switch for all other stuff? If so, it’ll be worth trying.