Ethernet connection for best sound quality

As far as I'm aware of for streaming audio with tidal hi fi plus ethernet. I need; besides modem and router.

1) A Streamer

2) A ethernet card specifically for audio jcat or matrix if I use my computer

3) Shielded ethernet cat 5 or better cable

So from wall to modem to router to streamer to dac, correct?






Showing 1 response by dentdog

Reading this entire thread (almost) I've come to the conclusion that  I know less than anyone in the conversation and about that there is no doubt. All I want is to connect my HiFi Rose 150 to my audio system and since it also provides You Tube to the TV as well.

Have a tech coming over, he asks me to pick up the cables. Have the modem, from another thread supposedly picked the right modem. Need the cables from modem to the Rose, Rose to Preamp, Rose to tv.

Can't tell you what  is needed to bring in Tidal or Quboze. Not afraid to get upgraded cables  Don't want wifi, all hardwired. Anyone with a knowledge of this, your help would be most appreciated. 

The dealer I purchased from has other things to do that are apparently more important. The unit will be on the way to vintage before I can get it hooked up.