Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.


Showing 7 responses by lalitk


Before you spend $$$ on a high end Ethernet cable, I suggest you try the Supra CAT 8 cable. If you hear audible improvements over your existing cable then you can step up to Purist or SoTM CAT 8 cables.

IME, Supra is quite an amazing cable for the money.
“it is simply not physically possible for your ethernet cables to make a difference in sound quality”

“If the same CD was sent to your house in a nice metal box with gold flaked paint on it would the CD inside sound any different? No, of course not”

Easily the most absurd claim and analogy so far....LMAO😄😆😂
“I've tested out 3 botique cables from $27 to $233 a foot. In three systems, didn't do anything more or less than 315 foot of 5e. Also in a forum members system a $13, 100 foot cable, put the bamboozle on that members system when blinded”


Would you care to list the components involved with these 3 boutique testing?
“My proposal is that gear that is susceptible to a change in a short length of Ethernet cable is faulty”

Great, this is coming from a guy who conduct listening tests on a headphone. 

And the other one, who clearly do not believe that cables can make difference slams his seal of approval on the proposal. I am guessing he doesn’t even stream music; cause all he talks about how his F5 clone, an engineering marvel impervious to aftermarket fuses and cables - PC or IC’s. 

Everyone here who have tried variety of Ethernet cables regardless of price point, heard differences in how music is being conveyed. Some of us appreciated the improvements we heard and some didn’t. I have no qualms with those unable to hear the differences. 

One wouldn’t hear, “more detail, air, articulation, speed of transients and a lower noise floor” by trying different cables and tweaks if they own faulty components, IMHO. 

Peace out! 
“When I start playing a song, pull the Ethernet cable, and the song plays on for the duration, like it does with Tidal, what effect is the cable having?”

There won’t be any music to play if there was no cable between the switch and renderer to begin by pulling Ethernet cable proves nothing 😉
“I get it that you have no clue how this stuff works but it at least should be a ’woke’ moment for you...”

Oh I know exactly how the streaming works, but you can’t seem to grasp a simple fact that once 10, 20 or 30 seconds of downloaded 1’s and 0’s runs out of buffer, you need that Ethernet cable to download the next 10-30 seconds of bits and so on.

Unlike you I enjoy listening to my music uninterrupted, not in 10-20 seconds of voodoo crap you have been trying to peddle. 
First it was our cable, then our ability to hear and now it is our playback system....whatever!

I never said my system won’t buffer beyond 30 seconds.