Etheregen - doesn't seem right that it gets so hot, dangerous? Unpredictable?

This network device as glorious as it may be gets extremely hot, almost burning to the touch. Something doesn't seem right about that.

Is there a good alternative to using this thing, it was about $600 which isn't cheap. Optical connectivity which I like seems to be a good thing.

Frankly I'm not sure what the value is it with it vs something else that may be operationally more healthy to use.  So I disconnected it because the heat level seems kind of dangerous.  I have no confidence that it will Control itself and get absolutely and dangerously too hot in the future.


Showing 4 responses by jumia

Antipodes EX, do you use this as a substitute for the ether regen.

Interesting putting heat sinks on the etherregen.  Frankly there has to be a better Ethernet switch that also accommodates an optical port.  Although maybe you have to get an optical converter.

Don't think the eitherRegen is worth the trouble to deal with heat sinks.  Still no answer on why it gets so hot.

So it runs very hot and we accept it as being OK because the specs say this.  Why does it run so hot and it's continuous. There must be a reason for this.

A person achieves a first-degree burn at 120° and a second-degree burn at 130° and somehow seeing spec detail showing 125° is somehow going to make it all better. This thing uses a ton of energy as an aside, grossly wasteful.

So I'm looking for a worthwhile optical conversion and a decent network switch that's unmanaged, and then I can move on.  Quoting “pretty girl“ - huge disappointment.

After listening to the System without this etheregen not hearing much of a problem and with a better network switch and optical conversion I'm sure it'll be just wonderful.  


Comparing the switch to an amplifier or tube it's not really a good comparison.

Retired this thing after about a year and quite frankly I have a very revealing system and I don't notice any difference whatsoever. 

So I'll probably get an optical converter and a nicer switch.

Yes they do say it will run hot, they don't explain why, it's circuitry. No reason for it to be so hot. I discovered the thing flipped over on top of my hardwood floor and left a mark, how stupid was that to do.

Yes it runs really hot, and company is unable to explain why. Is anyone seeing any benefit to this product?

Maybe I’ll try hooking it to a better quality plug. Is the one they provide any good?


Is Etherregen the best I can do?