Esoteric UX-3 vs. XO-3

Has anyone compared these two players directly with one another. I have heard that the XO-3 sounds better on redbook. My other concern is the XO-3 plays cd/sacd and the UX-3 plays cd/sacd/dvd-a. My entire collection right now is redbook, but I wonder which format will emerge the winner, sacd or dvd-a. I have to admit I don't really keep up on the whole format war thing, I just enjoy the cd's I have. Can someone give me some insight on the sonic differences between these two players and also your thoughts on the format debate. I currently am using a Resolution Audio Opus 21 cdp, which sounds great. Thank you

Showing 1 response by pardales

I agree that the war is over, with mostly losers and few, if any, winnners. Stick with redbook until you see what happens with HD/Blu-ray thing.