Esoteric N-03T streamer with Roon or ?

Hi guys and gals.
I have just purchased a Luxman D-10X and I want to use the internal DAC for my streamed and local ripped content. I am using Roon at present but I am not locked into it if there is something better.
Is the N-03T a good streamer to use in this application? How should I integrate Roon into this set up? Or should I leave Roon behind (lifetime sub) and just use the Esoteric (Lumin) player software?
How would you connect the N-03T to the 10X?
I am a bit of a digital idiot so please excuse the basic questions.
Rest of system is Luxman M-900u amp and soon to arrive C-900 Pre. Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers and SME/Soundsmith Analog front end.
Many thanks for the advise.

Showing 1 response by paleo12

Hi,  I ordered an N 03T at the beginning of May.  It hasn't arrived yet, so my thinking about this is theoretical, not based on experience. 

As far as I can see, I will connect the N 03T, with a USB cable, to my Esoteric K 03XD, and use it as a DAC.  In preparation for the (by now highly anticipated) arrival of the N 03T, I bought a NUC with the necessary Roon software installed on it.  The NUC (rather similar to the Roon Nucleus) and the N 03T will both be connected to the ethernet switch.
I have the Roon app on my iPad, so I will be able to do Roonish things once the streamer is here.  I don't see any reason why I would not be able to install the Esoteric Soundstream app on the iPad as well, in case I want to bypass Roon for some reason, and use it to stream straight to the N 03T.
It may well be that someone who actually has done these things, rather than merely thought about them, has better advice.
Best of luck.