Esoteric K03XD

I have the opportunity to buy the Esoteric K03XD at a extremely attractive from a out of state friend.  I trust his ears and he has always bragged about how the XD line was much more musical and organic than previous Esoteric players.  Anyone heard the K03XD? I was never in love with the sound of the older players.  Any feedback about this player would be truly appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by goose

Mike at Suncoast audio responded on his Audio Shark forum.  The 05XD is close but the 03XD is superior.  I'm not exactly sure what this really means in terms of the actual sonic differences.


I have no issues with my K-03XD.  I had a Marantz ModWright player before the Esoteric.  The Esoteric is better in every way as it should be.  I don't find it bright or fatiguing and it will be my end game player / transport.  The only way to ship these is via freight on a pallet not through other methods wich can tumble the boxes and screw up the transport.