Esoteric K03XD

I have the opportunity to buy the Esoteric K03XD at a extremely attractive from a out of state friend.  I trust his ears and he has always bragged about how the XD line was much more musical and organic than previous Esoteric players.  Anyone heard the K03XD? I was never in love with the sound of the older players.  Any feedback about this player would be truly appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by chayro

If he is a good friend, he will let you send it back if you don't care for it.  Won't he?  
That’s very nice of him. And I agree shipping is expensive and also very risky. I don’t know - I have something against Esoteric since I had my X-05, which I absolutely hated. Nobody ever says anything bad about Esoteric until the next generation comes out and you start hearing how the last ones sounded "dry" and "sterile", but these new ones are the cat’s ass. Just seems to go that way with that brand. But that's strictly my personal prejudice.