Esoteric K-01

Has anybody had an opportunity to listen to the recently announced Esoteric K-01? I was also wondering about the price. Thanks

Showing 3 responses by elberoth2

Audiofeil - I think that it would be beneficial to audio community in general if you write about your audio discoveries / experiences or whatever instead of wasting your time bashing other manufacturers / products / dealers.

It is not fun to read anymore (if ever was) and is just annoying.
I'm on the same boat. I did not hear the improvement from adding a clock to my Puccini integrated player, and yet I can clearly hear its effect on dCS separates.
On G0 rb clock benefits, sharing the below clock specs i read about when i was reading about the K-01.

Esoteric D-02/K-01/K-03: ±0.5ppm
Antelope Isochrone 10M: ±0.00003ppm

A friend of mine had tried Antelope Isochrone 10M atomic clock with his K-01 and wasn't able to tell the difference. The clock was returned to the dealer.

I do think that you can do better than Antelope Isochrone 10M, as far as external clocks are concerned.

Just spend your money on better cables, amp etc. instead.