ESOTERIC HR Audio Player release vs Amarra?

Esoteric has introduced their own Music Playback Software application for owners of a select few DAC models including K-01/03's. As a long time user of Amarra and thrilled with the recent release of Amarra 3.0, I was eager to try this new application with my K-03 to compare. Not to mention I could now delve into native DSD playback without spending a penny.

Unfortunately, I found it does not support my Mac Mini (Snow Leopard 10.6.8). I would love to hear from anyone who has Amarra and an Esoteric unit supported by their new application for comparative sake. A statement from their website below with link.

"Windows/Mac application for 5.6MHz DSD and 384kHz PCM audio file playback.
Available for download, free of charge.
ESOTERIC HR Audio Player, which is available for both Windows and Mac operating systems, is a high-quality audio playback application that can handle high-resolution audio files. You will be able to enjoy the playback of high-resolution audio files, including DSD, at high audio quality without a complicated setup by using this application in combination with a Grandioso D1 or another Esoteric D/A converter with USB that supports such files."


Showing 1 response by gocubs999

Yeah after reading blogs on other sites it looks like Esoteric will be offering upgrades later this year to Kx for the K-01/03's to allow for native DSD playback, if I interpreted that correctly. Experimented with more current iMac I have and updated to Maverick OS. Seems it worked without issue so I will be doing the same with my Mac Mini Music Server. From what I have gathered @ Computer audiophile forum, upgrading my OS to Maverick won't provide any SQ benefits using Amarra, but; always enjoy conducting A/B comparisons, especially when it is FC. I admittedly have not tried Audirvana Plus, Pure Music or JRiver primarily because it seems the consensus is that Amarra is the best comprehensive sounding music playback software available.....though buggy compared to the former mentioned. Knock on wood, I have not experienced the same.

Thanks for the heads up.
