Esoteric F-07

I’m looking at trading my Naim Star in for a T-2 Lumin and Esoteric F-07.
Has anyone owned or have the F-07 that you can give me some feedback?
My speakers are Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII.
 Thanks again for all your helpful input.
I have a NAS drive and don’t need a DAC.
Someone had mentioned the Lumin U1 Mini and said it had great detail like the T2, but no DAC.
The $2500 price difference between T2 and U1 Mini is a big jump if the only difference is a having a DAC or not.
 Is the T2 really worth the extra $2500 if you don’t need a DAC?
 Thanks again for your guidance .
I have heard many A1 owners are trading in for the T2.

The T2 as a dac streamer is better than what you would get from a Star being used as just a streamer.

Even vs the more expensive Naim NDX 2 the T2 is hard to beat.

The dual ESS Sabre dac's have a more dense image focus and the soundstage is bigger.

The Naim Uniti Star is an excellent all in one, and most people use it as an all in one.

Your best bet is to sell the Star and get a T2.

Dave and Troy

Audio Doctor NJ Naim and Lumin dealers

 Thanks for all your thoughts and suggestions as they are much appreciated.
How does the Star compare to the T2 as far as sound detail goes?


The T2 is far better sounding than the A1 the size and density of th image is one thing that separates the two.

The T2 is like a mini X1.

Spinaker we visited the Lumin room  and quite frankly when we were there the sound wasn't too our liking don't know why.

In our tests the X1 is unfreaking unbelievable for the money.

If possible spinaker we would recommend the X1 if you can swing it.

However the T2 still sounds better than an T1. 

We take trade ins so please reach out to us if you are serious about upgrading. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers
I also have heard that the T2 is as good as the A1 and much less the price.
I like the Naim, but I don’t like the app as it’s not that user friendly and doesn’t offer much flexibility.
The Lumin app is so much easier to work and gives you instructions on how to navigate through it.   The Naim does not.
Have you heard the difference between the Esoteric F-05 and F-07 ?
Is the sound difference worth the extra $2500?
 Thanks for your thoughts.
Audiotroy, I have the T1 and love it but I am also hearing great things about the T2. Is it worth the trade up? BTW, the Lumin room at Axpona with the X1 sounded awesome!

It should be an excellent combo, the Esoteric is very clean, tight and punchy relatively neutral.

The Lumin T2 is just fantastic.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Lumin dealers