Erhard Audio vs Decware

Looking at a couple of pre-amps with few formal reviews but good word of mouth praise.

The options are the Erhard Aretha and the Decware Triode.

Anyone have a chance to hear either?  Would be interested in your thoughts.

Must say, its ironic that this is how we shop for audio these days....... what ever happened to Tech HiFi , Tweeters and Bryn Mawr Stereo.


Showing 1 response by corelli

I said the same thing years ago.  Things have changed for sure--but that does not mean you can't achieve a good outcome.  Sometimes you do well with scouring the internet for info, other times you just need to take a listen.

Wish I could give you what you are looking for.  But I can say this--picked up a mint used Erhard Ray 6L6 SE integrated.  I love this amp!  It is choked full of excellent parts.  No quirks, quiet as the grave, great output transformers.  If his preamp is anything like this little amp, you will be very happy indeed.