Equipment Stand placement?

With so much focus on reducing vibration and other environmental detriments to good sound, I wonder where the best placement for the equipment rack in a listening room would be. It seems that with rear-ported speakers that are out from the back wall, that putting the equipment along the back wall between the speakers would be subjecting it to increased vibration. Putting it along a side wall puts it more in line with the first reflection point, and therefore more sound waves.

What are people's preferences for sound rack placment and why? -Kirk


Showing 1 response by bob_bundus

Several good experiential opinions are offered above, none exactly alike. KT what that tells you is, like everything else, you'll need to experiment in order to determine what works best for you with your own equipment in your own room. I also realized significant benefits by not having anything placed between the speakers so my rack is along a sidewall. However regarding my particular component synergy, I also found that longer interconnects were detrimental compared to shorter ones, while longer speaker cables resulted in less degradation than with longer interconnects & shorter speaker cables. Note that I prefer networked speaker cables, so those longer lengths are accordingly inherently compensated. The equipment rack, also containing a single stereo amp, is now all on a sidewall. In this way I was able to use shorter AC cords as I wired a dedicated AC line directly to the rack location, & my AC conditioners are also located there locally.
Again, all of these advices tell you not a whole lot about what will work best for your setup, but do offer many good suggestions about what might be most advisable for you to try out.