Equalizers anyone?

Anyone using a Rives, Accuphase, etc. equalizer? If so, how's it going? Can these devices properly correct for room deficiencies as reviewers claim?

Showing 6 responses by tomryan

Guys...I'm not talking about the normal 1970s type equalizers. Talking about the Rives PARC and a couple of Accuphase models that have been reviewed in TAS and Stereophile and have been claimed to be "invisible" in the system and to correct room problems that years of physical wall, ceiling, etc. treatments have not. Any in-home experience with these products (maybe including the various digital based gear)?
My room is quite small, 11 x 13.5 with 8 ft ceiling. All plaster with heavy carpet and pad over hardwood floor on 1x6 subfloor. I'm getting somewhat boomy bass with some sort of echo slap and I can actually hear the room affecting upper mids and lower highs. I can literally hear the room doing these things as the volume gets louder.

I know the PARC is only an analog bass correction system and the Accuphase is a digital all frequency 'tuner'. I've done two types of room treatments and tried every speaker placement possible. However, kind of restricted as to room treatments because of WAF factor. I'm thinking one of the better equalizers could help with my speaker/room interface.
Thanks, Jeff. I am an SET devotee, have used this type of amp for almost 7 years, and use a passive 'pre-amp'. Can't get much more purist than this and I know exactly what you mean - I can more easily hear the problems the room creates with such a high resolution system. I'll also put the TACT on my short list.
Warnerwh - What a wonderful offer! If you're serious I'll take you up on it and would be willing to let you try my stored-in-the-closet Creek OBH12 passive remote volume control. However, that Audio Reasearch is a damn good pre-amp but it might be fun to see what a passive would sound like. I'll e-mail you with additional info.

By the way, which digital equalizer did you try out? I'm still very curious about the Accuphase based on The Absolute Sound's review a 2-3 years ago.
Warnerwh - I'll e-mail you my address. Looking forward to starting to get this room business dealt with! Thanks again.
Good point, Sean. Unfortunately, my wife almost never listens with me and I only have friends over for real music sessions a few times a year. But you are right that speakers and room have to be physically corrected as much as possible before going to electronic equalization.