Entry-level speaker cables

Any recommendations for entry-level (i.e. low cost) speaker cables? I'm running basic 12-gauge wire right now between an NAD C326 amp and a pair of Totem Mites. I have about $200 to spend. Thanks for any help you can provide ...

Showing 1 response by b_limo

Signal cable silver resolution is what I like. I've tried tara labs rsc prime, 10 guage blue jeans cable, audioquest rocket 44's and clear day double shotguns. Clear day was my favorite but too much money for me right now, followed by signal cable silver res, followed by blue jeans then tara the audioquest rocket 44's (audioquest rocket 44's were really rolled off in the highs and lows in my system, didn't like these cables at all) but then again, my brother is using audioquest cv4 (non dbs) and they sound good in his rig.