Entry into HiFi

Hey guys, first time poster longtime lurker. I've recently purchased a Rega P3 and now I want to hook it up to a nice set of speakers and a tube amp, but I'm not really sure where to start. Right now I'm going Rega -> old receiver -> speakers. My budget is about $2000, spread out over the next 6 months. What do I need to turn my setup into a true hi-fi system? (Pre-amp, etc).

I love all kinds of music, but my vinyl collection centers around original pressings of classic rock and jazz (Davis, Coltrane).

I love the look and price of the Jolida FX10, but I've been told it has low power limiting me to high efficienc speakers? Good thing, bad thing, is there a better option?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Showing 1 response by slowhead

Matching your future phonostage (inboard or outboard) to your cartridge of choice should be a priority. It starts there. Look around at the used gear here. If there is something that interests you, do a search on it. Chances are someone will have had some experience with it.