Entreq ground conditioners - what's the theory?

Entreq and other products boast conditioning the ground to help improve the sound. Being completely clueless about anything electrical, I am very curious what the theory is behind this product and technically how it can improve the quality of the power and thus the music. I am not looking to argue if these products do as they advertise. I just want to learn more about the idea.

Showing 3 responses by jfrech

Ivan, very interesting reply...thanks for taking the time to write that...I'm in Austin, TX...very dry and only about a foot of soil (well sandy and some gravel) before I just hit rock. When it rains...I can definitely hear a improvement in sound quality...
Spirit...I wonder how much my Shunyata Triton and Typhon are already contributing here? Maybe I won't experience as much benefit? Not sure if any Shunyata users have tried these grounding boxes...
Ivan...thanks for taking the time to write this. So I have a friend getting a demo of the Entreq...he'll bring it by my home (might be 6-8 weeks)...only way is to try this...i'm sincerely curious...