Energy ESM-2 Anyone else remember them?

I still am using these old school speakers. Bought them in 1987? demo.

I had a pair of ESM-4's WAAAAAAY back (musta been 15 years ago). They were great with a little nad integrated 3225pe (or was it 3025pe?) and Nad 5325 CD player.

Actually, I kinda wish I had never sold them b/c I suspect I would still like them now...

I had a pair of ESM-2s or 3s (can't remember which) as my part of my first stereo system (Yamaha receiver, Nakamichi deck, Dual TT) 20+yrs ago when I was in junior high. Brings back all kinds of memories (including ones of the year of weekends lawn-mowing which paid for it). Think my sister may still have them...

Anyone know what became of the company?
Energy still makes speakers, although they have taken the route of Polk Audio in the mass market thing.

Way back when, they were much more esoteric.
I'm listening to a pair of ESM-2 speakers right now as I type this e-mail from my living room. I bought them new way back when (I really don't remember the year). I recently added a pair of small Klipsch speakers; together, they produce amazing sound quality.
Does anyone now the technical specs of the woofers in the ESM-2 speakers. I need to change them and there are no specs on the woofers nore are there any inside the box. I'd need the OHM's, WATTS, ...

Thank you very much.

ps.: I bought these in the mid 80's. They still sounded great ! Even with the cracked woofers ! I shopped around for some new stuff and was not impressed with anything I found under 1000$ canadian (about 700$). So, finally, decided on fixing my old ESM's ...