Endeavor Audio E3 owners

I'm interested in your thoughts on this speakers. I auditioned them today, and I frankly loved the way they sounded. I'm just now in a dilemma between these and the Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers that I also loved.  If there are people who auditioned both, I'd be interested in your thoughts.  Or owners of either, I'd be interested in your thoughts as well.  They are around the same price and both sound amazing.

What to do?

Showing 1 response by milpai

If you liked the midrange of Response 2.5, you should listen to a pair of the D48R. I had listened to the E-3 at Axpona 2015. They sounded good. But the ProAc D30R was something special. Like you said, it was the midrange that got me and I looked deeper into the ProAc line, to end up with one.