Emotiva not so good

Emotiva amps are good until you hear another brand in the same space.

Showing 2 responses by arcticdeth

My main concern,
was,  and still is the high gain, of them, they made my tweeters have a slight hiss and more during quiet passages. 
 May have talked poorly in the past. ONLY for the poor customer service they have had in regards to sending in a warranty on a new CD player, and a b-stock CD player being sent to a bunch of people.
for a full price purchase, send out a new unit, not a b stock, or a repaired unit.  
 They make great starter stuff, or a great HT setup, as far as musical stuff, they are ok, and most will not notice, anything poor of their sound.  Most purchasers have never heard a Mac with b&w, or levinson with paradigm, etc etc......

for,those, it’s all cool, if emotiva makes you happy, with SEPERATES,  hell yes, enjoy!!
  I’ve come a long way since my first xpa-1 monos’
    Mine are boxed up and waiting to hand them down.

its very descent audio gear.  I’ve heard their speakers are great, and comparable to the Martin Logan series xt? 40’s and 60’s models, that is saying something!

their main issue is repair, customer service, warranty work, etc etc.  
which should be much better! Maybe they have changed in past few years, from what I’ve heard they need help in that department, for sure 
The amps are descent for what you get for the price you pay.
  Own a pair of the older xpa-1 monobloc amps.

 Are they the most musical , nope, will they hand out goosebumps, nope.

will they play balls to the wall loud, and have low distortion, yup.
 They are great at what they are.
there is always something better, someone tougher, stronger, a faster car.

 Their customer service has declines a lot over the years, ol Dan laufman should be concerned about the fixing of stuff, before releasing more.