Emma Watson- audiophile?

Last night Emma Watson told Jimmy Fallen that the director of her latest film gave her an album on vinyl, and she has been collecting ever since. The world's cutest child star grows into the world's cutest movie star, and now she's into analog! (She is only rivaled of course, by Natalie Portman, but this might give her the edge, sorry A.P.)
The young star of the biggest movie franchise in history promotes vinyl, now that's something!

Showing 2 responses by mosin

Quentin Tarantino is another vinyl freak. His friend, Fiona Apple, always listens to records at his insistence whenever she goes there. Maybe that is why her more recent stuff is on vinyl, and maybe it is why the last one mentions an idler wheel in its title. Anyway, Albert, you aren't the only one with a really nice listening room in Texas. Quentin Tarantino has one, too. ;)
"Steve Jobs was a pioneer of digital music. His legacy is tremendous, but when he went home, he listened to vinyl."
-Neil Young.

It's the same Neil Young who said that downloading a digital file is like saying, "Hey, Picasso. Fax me a painting."