EMM Transport V. Meitner Phillip Transport

By now we all know that the DCC2 is heralded by its owners as excellent and the true king of the DAC hill.

I am curious as to whether the EMM accolades is mostly about the DCC2 or also the transport.

I was hearing great things about the Meitner Phillip Transport and am curious as to whether there was a big improvement in the new EMM transport or not. Has anyone tested the dcc2 using the new emm transport versus the dcc2 using the meitner phillip modified transport?


p.s. Is the consensus among dcc2 owners that the dcc2 outperforms the preamps that they had in their system. Do Dcc2 owners who have or had high end preamps find this to be true. Anyone with a BATVK51SE or VTL 7.5 or top of the line ARC or other top of the line preamp owners find this not to be the case?

Showing 1 response by tireguy

I have the phillips and have listened to it with my DCC2 for 4+ months now and when the CDSD shows up I can offer my opinion on the two, however I am told from other Emm owners that the improvements with the transport are substantial.

As a preamp it is the best I have used, I am in a rush right now but I have tried quite a few preamps from the mid-thousands to the low-tens of thousand dollar range.