EMM DCC2 & Learning Remote

Just got my DCC2 yesterday and attempted to transfer the functions of the DCC2 remote to my learning remote. I do this by pointing the remotes toward one another and sending the signal from the DCC2's remote to my learning remote. This has worked with every other remote I have ever owned, but does not seem to work with the DCC2 remote. Is there something different about the way the remote works? Has anyone else tried to get a learning remote to read the signals from the DCC2's remote? If so, which ones? Does anyone know if the remote uses similar codes to say Sony, Philips, etc. as I also have the option of programming my remote using codes from many large electronics manufactures? Thank you for your input!!! I am going to call EMM Labs later today but thought I would ask here first.

P.S. I am running the DCC2 with a $100 DVD player from Best Buy and a $12 coax cable and it sounds amazing....resolution, resolution, resolution!!!!! I am waiting for a friend's modified Philips, as he is purchasing an EMM Transport. I will admit that the sound is a little thin and lacks some body when using the Best Buy DVD player and Coax (Also, I just hooked the DCC2 up for the first time a few hours ago). However, this is what I expected. I have tried great DACS with crappy transports in the past and have never gotten them to sound anywhere near that quality I get from this combo. (I should also note that I am accustom to having an Elrod Statement II on my Transport which adds a lot of body. I cannot use it on the Best Buy unit as its cord is permanently attached.)

Showing 1 response by rcr

Could anybody explain what do you lose when not using a metineirezed Philips or a Meitner transport?
I would to know if using a universal (DVD + CD + SACD) cheap player (Pioneer 565) with de DCC2, can I still play SACD or the features I lose in the CD area.