Emerald Physics 2.3 or Magnepan

This is my first post here- I'll try to be as descriptive as possible.

I am in the market for a pair of speakers around $3-5k used.

I currently have a set of old Magnepans (10.1) that sound wonderful. The imaging and treble are superb. I miss the 'crack' of a snare drum though - i think the best word to describe it would be dynamics.

I usually listen to pop and rock, don't really care about the low end ( have two sub woofers)

I've read a lot about the EP 2.3s and people say that they have the sound of the Magnepans with the dynamics of regular speakers. For people who've heard them - is this true? Is the treble as revealing and the mid range as well sorted as a set of Magnepans?

Also, if anyone has heard the 1.7s would you say that the lack of dynamics no longer limits the Magnepans? I read somewhere that with the 1.7s the Magnepans are right up there in dynamics.

Thanks in advance.
My system is a Rotel RB 1090 and an Emotiva XDA-1 Proc/Preamp

Showing 1 response by darkkeys

The 1.7s have played all types of music in my system with more than enough dynamic output.

In my experience the bass is not lacking except in vary rare instances depending on the recording.

I have never heard the EP 2.3.

Good luck.