EMC-1UP vs. Cary 306/100

Trying to choose between these players. I am going to a one box solution (presently using CAL CL-10 as a transport to a Monarchy DIP to a Classe' DAC-1. Pre-amps are BAT VK3i or a CAT SL-1 Sig., amps are McCormack DNA 0.5 REv A (bi-amped) or Llano Trinity 300 driving Vandersteen 3Asigs. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I will be buying used here on the 'gon so I can't audition at home. I listen mostly to acoustic bluegrass, alt country, jazz and classic rock. TIA.

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

Of the two players you mention the EMC would be my choice. However; for redbook only, I would try to find a Accuphase DP-75v which is better than the either the Cary or EMC.
