EMC-1 or CARY 306/200

which one of the two would be better to add to my sourceless system?
talon khorus speakers
pass labs x250 amp
bat vk 40 preamp
thanks for your advice

Have you ever auditioned the EMC-1? I am an Electrocompaniet dealer, so take my opinion with a grain of salt ;-) The Cary is a great player and certainly in the "top 10" list, but the EMC-1 is in a whole other league, IMHO.

Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
You should try Cary 306/200. It is an awesome CD player with 24/96 digital and 24/192 analog. The sound is a huge soundstage, details and has an excellent transparence. Especially it will produce the sound out of your Talon Khorus differently. Friend of mine has Talon Khorus X and his source was a 306/200. He let me listen to it then I felt in love with 306/200 right away and guess what I have owned this master piece two months already. I am very satisfied because I spent such a long time to look for this incredible CD Player. Good luck.
thanks guys,
i've made my mind.
its set on the emc-1 ,
now, the harder part, finding the right deal !
thanks !
Hi Dave4U, looks like your system is almost complete, I see that you now just need a source.
Like Budrew I have an EMC 1 MK II myself if that tells you something. I bought it back then without even hearing it (MK 1 before I had it upgraded)against stiff competition, Linn Ikemi and Simm Eclipse, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I made for my system. Goodluck.
I posted some commentary on the EMC-1 and the Cary 306/200 here recently. Go for the EMC-1! At least, that's what worked for me.